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发布者: [发表时间]:2012-02-24[来源]: [浏览次数]:


At the beginning of the new semester, all Year2 students attended a class meeting on 15th Feb 2012. The meeting is hold by class monitors and Teacher Zhu Tao announced some issues of this term which is:

1.    通知所有2009级同学尽快上网查询核对本人境外学历学位证书认证注册信息。

All Year2 students are asked to check the information of their degree through internet.

2.    通报上学期累计考勤统计情况。强调大家本学期合理安排上课时间杜绝缺勤情况的发生。

The results of attendance of class in last semester have been reemphasis.

3.    关于本学期的学习安排,朱老师建议大家制作自己的学习时间表,将上课,完成课程论文和复习备考的进行合理的安排。

Mr Zhu advised all Year2 students set up a timetable to organize their time on study and exam review for well preparation.

4.    由于2009级同学将于2012年9月赴英完成最后一年的学习。国际学院拟于考试结束之后专门为2009级同学安排一次出国前培训。培训内容主要包括:行李准备、如何兑换外汇、参加体检、准备入境文件、入关禁止携带的物品、如何到当地警察局注册、大四年级学习与生活安排、英国大学介绍与研究生申请步骤、学生档案在毕业后的留存处置等等。同学们也可以提出感兴趣的题目,

For the last semester in BUA, all Year2 students will face lots of difficulties when they go aboard. Certain training programme will be arranged after the exam of International College.



After that, the class monitors arranged a discussion of hot points around the students which they are focused on and record them in detail.

The class meeting set a good start of the term and students will have a good understanding of their targets.