Build communication bridges,light the ray of hope
International College student’s parents conference
The parents meeting of International College fresh students was held at 11:00 - 12:30 AM, International College staffs attended the conference are: Director :Zhang Zhiyong. Secretary of the Party: Tan Feng, English Teachers: Song Jinpin, Li Ning. Administrators: Zhu Tao, Guo Chuanzhen. Liu Tiejun, the deputy director, was the host of this conference.
At the first, Tan Feng introduced the International college system and the project operation. International College was built at September 2003, in the first five years; the number of students who went to the UK has reached 316. More than 280 graduates, 80% graduates received above 2.2 degree. More than 75% graduates continue to study master degree, and have gradually expanded to Canada, Australia, and U.S.A. The project students can learn the more knowledge and get the professional standards with the international frontier. At last, he also said the project is not easy to be passed, rigorous assessment, system requirements are strict. Students need to adapt to new requirements. The better communication between parents and University, the better future those students may have.
Song described English language learning, importance of learning English, English language proficiency requirements, English teaching arrangements, and when will the Harper Adams language test be taken. Finally, she hopes parents and University work together to focus on students' responsibility and interest .After that, Guo Chuanzhen gave an introduction to the parents about the student administration.
Zhang Zhiyong, Director of International College gave the last speech , made ??three wishes to the parents, communication, encourage, be independent.
在掌声中和家长的信任中,我们结束了国际学院新生家长会。会后不少家长主动留下来,与领导老师互相留下了沟通方式。 In the applause and confidence of parents, we ended the International College parents’ conference. After that, some parents stayed in the room and left the phone numbers or email address of the International staffs。
会上,国际学院志愿者向家长发放了《共同携手 同创孩子的美好未来——致2011级国际学院学生家长的一封信》和《学生家长知情书》,以让学生家长更深入地了解国际学院的办学特点和教学体系,尤其是考核方式。
During the meeting, all parents received a letter for the parents of fresh year students in the year of 2011 and The brief introduction to parents which allowed in-depth introduction of system and features of International College, especially in exam system.